The Top 5 Pieces Of Shopfitting Equipment That Will Catch The Eye Of Your Customers!
When it comes to shopfitting equipment, you need to take into consideration the latest trends. If your shop has high ceilings it can provide a sense of freedom and sophistication, and allowing you to be creative, maximising the space you have available.
In addition to this, advances in technology have generated a new shopping experience. Buying habits have changed with more and more shoppers buying online, meaning that the layout and design of your shopfitting equipment are key to helping draw in customers as they pass by your shop. Let's take a look at the top five shopfitting appliances that will make your store stand out!
Are you looking for something unique and eye-catching?
At UK Shop Fittings, we use mannequins to portray new styles and trends. Whether it's a full body mannequin or half body mannequin, you can advertise your products in a more visual way, offering recommendations for how you might style an outfit. This is not only helpful for potential customers, it makes your shop more memorable and lively.
Alternatively, if you're considering a mannequin for your shop you must take into consideration the size and space that you have available, as well as the size of the mannequin, especially if you want to target a range of people and dress sizes!
Gridwall systems
This shopfitting equipment is a simple, affordable piece of kit, that allows you to arrange your merchandise in a way that suits your needs best. If you're looking for a way to display your products- a Gridwall system is perfect for your shop! At UK Shop Fittings, we offer wall hung systems and free standing equipment; offering a solution for displaying your products effectively.
We also have Gridwall sloping and straight arms which are particularly ideal if your products are heavy, as they can withstand the weight without compromising the quality or condition of the product. These are ideal if you want to bring your products off the shelf, and out into the shop floor, making them more visible to your customers.
Garment Rails
Garment rails and Gridwall systems are similar in the sense that they both arrange products visually. A difference is that garment rails are ideal for maximising space. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes including multi-tier, multi-arm and spiral, as well as collapsible and adjustable forms. Garment rails allow customers to browse your products with ease, promoting your distinctive character.
Display Units
When working in a shop, you're more than likely to be looking for the opportunity to generate a greater footfall. Display units enable you to display products effectively, catching the attention of visitors.
Gondolas are ideal for any location within your shop, providing convenient and affordable product displays. If you're concerned that a display unit will not suit the design of your shop, you can choose from a range of colours and styles including T-shaped units, H Four-way units and L Gondolas. These shop fittings can make your products stand out and provide a creative display which will catch the eye of your ideal customers.
Slatwalls and Accessories
Slatwalls offer the perfect alternative for displaying your products if you have limited space available! Although they are ideal for maximising the little space you have, they can present your products on the wall, and provide with plenty of opportunities to highlight those key items that you are trying to push.
Slatwalls also provide an illusion, allowing your shop to look and feel less cluttered. At UK Shopfittings, we ensure that our slatwalls are durable using hooks and inserts, ensuring your products can be displayed practically and giving ease of access to your customers to browse and handle your products. If you have the wall space, why don't you make use of slatwall equipment? UK Shopfittings offer an extensive choice when it comes to shaping, size and colour!
Why choose UK Shopfittings?
If you want your shop to stand out and experience an increase in footfall, your shop should look welcoming and ultimately offer sophistication and with the help of UK Shopfittings, you can entice customers, whether they are returning customers or new, to browse your products with ease, encouraging them to make a purchase!
Why not get in touch with us today!