Why the Slat Wall is the Ultimate Shop Fitting
When you are outfitting a shop, the decisions that have to be made can seem endless. What location should you choose? What hours should you open? How should the store be decorated? Against these sorts of questions, it may seem trivial to ask what sort of shop fittings you are going to opt for, but it couldn’t be more important.
The shop fitting scheme that you choose will determine the space available within your store, as well as how it is laid out, how customers move within it and how products will be displayed and advertised to customers. The choice of shop fittings affects the entire interior of your store, so choose wisely – choose slat walls from UK Shopfittings!
What is a Slat Wall?
A slat wall is a type of shop fitting which uses thin panels (or slats) of wood or acrylic, each separated by a thin gap, to create a versatile, space-efficient and cost-effective display solution. Thanks to the gaps between the slats, it’s possible to attach shelving, hooks and other display accessories quickly as easily, sliding them in and changing them as necessary by sliding them out or lifting them free of the gap.
Once put in, the shelves and hooks hold themselves in place by the force of gravity, and don’t require additional work to affix them, making slatwalls a particularly quick and easy shop fitting to change when necessary. In today’s fast-paced world of retail, it’s crucial to be able to adapt your sales ability to suit new trends, new promotions and social events – slatwalls allow you to do this.
Why Should I Consider Slat Walls Over Another Shop Fitting?
In short, you should consider slat walls over another shop fitting because no other shop fitting can match the versatility, space efficiency and ease of use offered by a slat wall. A display cabinet may offer the ability to show off products, and a shelving unit may provide good organisational potential, but each of these items takes up a large amount of valuable retail space which could be better utilised by customers or additional wares – with a slatwall, empty stretches of wall are converted from dead space into valuable retail real estate, as the featureless, useless walls are replaced with slat wall panels, creating an easy-to-organise, attractive and adaptable retail space!
Why is the Slat Wall the Ideal Shop Fitting?
As mentioned above, a slat walls isn’t just a display solution for your shop, it outshines any other shop fitting by providing clear display of items and infinite organisational potential coupled with unique use of space. No other shop fitting makes such efficient use of space, converting empty walls into brimming shelves and displays while simultaneously freeing up floor space – space which can then be used to showcase even more items or left empty for customers to browse and move around in.
This ability to tailor and optimise your store, from the floor space right down to what kind of hook to use for each item, is just one of the reasons why a slat wall is the ultimate shop fitting.
A Slat Wall Saves Space
Even small retail lets can seem much larger and become more profitable with the use of slat walls, cutting down on empty wall space and helping to make every inch of the store into a valuable business asset.
Slat Walls are Versatile
Infinitely versatile, a slat wall (or, more accurately, a slat wall panel) consists of multiple slats of wood or tough acrylic. The slats form the structure, but what give a slat wall its incredible abilities is the gaps between them, as these spaces hold the hooks, shelves and other accessories which, themselves, hold the products you wish to sell.
Removing or replacing these slots is a simple matter of lifting them up, as they are shaped in such a way as to be held in place by gravity, lifting freely up and out when you need to switch them for another or update your display.
With a huge range of available slat wall accessories, business owners can adapt their slat wall to the products they are selling, the space requirements and any other factors. As a result, their retail space becomes infinitely easy to adapt and optimise, maximising turnover and business efficiency in any conditions!
Slat Walls are Cost-Effective
Slat walls are relatively inexpensive compared to more elaborate, space-consuming shop fittings, and provide much more value than the slatwall panels themselves cost. This makes them a solid investment when opening or refurbishing a businesses, as slatwalls have the potential to pay for themselves quickly and generate profit for the business for the rest of their lifetime after that.
Slatwall Essentials:
If you do invest in a slatwall, you should be sure to pick up the essentials for making the most of this versatile shop fitting. The slatwall panels you choose should be the right size for your available wall space, maximising the space available while not protruding past the end of the walls. Slatwall shelving and hooks allow you to display a range of goods in the most efficient possible way, and can be quickly chopped and changed as you need them!
Contact UK Shopfittings Today
If you would like more information on slat walls or slat wall fittings, or you would like to find out more about what other types of shop fittings UK Shopfittings has in stock, you can contact us any time by calling our head office on 01704 565341 or using our email address, which you can message any time – [email protected]! We will be happy to answer any questions you might have or provide any advice you need when outfitting your shop.
Alternatively, if you want to place an order, you can do so on this website or, if you’d rather call us, you can do so on the same Head Office telephone number, 01704 565341. Our shop fitting experts will be happy to help you process your order. We look forward to hearing from you!