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Mannequins are needed for every retail shop fitting, but your retail store is not the same as the store next door. When you are ordering your mannequins, you must consider what sort of style you want to portray to your customers. The mannequin choices below provide you with the options you need to make sure your store looks the way you prefer.

Full Body Mannequins

When you are using your mannequins to create complete looks, you must have a full body mannequin. A full body mannequin will allow you to fit hats, shoes, accessories and clothes to the mannequin. These mannequins are designed to hold all these things, and you can change the ensembles easily. 

Each pair of shoes, hat and accessory can be changed easily on the mannequin, and you always have a complete look on the mannequin. When you sell everything in your store, you want to display everything on a full body mannequin.

Half Mannequins

Half mannequins are not useful when you do not have very much space in your store. A half mannequin requires less floor space, can stand up more simply and does not tower over the other fixtures in the store.

You must remember that half mannequins can only display jewelry and tops, but these mannequins are useful if most of your business is done in jewelry and shirts. The half mannequins can be rolled around the store easily, and they store even more easily.

Dress Forms

You can purchase dress forms to display clothes when you want your store to look like a designer's studio. You must make sure that you are using dress forms when your store already has a designer's vibe. A store that is full of color and whimsy probably will not look good with dress forms displaying the clothes. However, a store that is sparse in color and whimsy will look more whimsical when you use dress forms to display the clothes.

Your store needs forms to display clothes, and you must make sure that you purchase the forms that match the size of your store, the clothes you sell and ambience inside the store.

Be sure to check out our slatwall panels, our acrylic displays and our shop counters too!